Rider Skills Assessment

Rider Skills Assessment


There’s nothing better than feeling like you have all the right skills on your toolbelt to head off on any adventure! Here’s a taste of our OFF-ROAD RIDER SKILLS ASSESSMENT that will hit our site in the next week.

  1. Can you confidently change a flat tyre on your bike in the bush?
  2. At speed, in 3rd gear can you stop quickly with confidence on loose gravel?
  3. Can you ride to a complete stop then balance for a moment and ride away without stalling or touching the ground?
  4. Can you do the above and balance for 2-3 seconds consistently?
  5. Can you pop the front wheel up with confidence & control?
  6. Have you ridden over obstacles before?
  7. Have you ridden in soft sand before?

Feel free to register your interest HERE to receive a notification email when our assessment is uploaded.