Is the FOUNDATION or INTERMEDIATE Adventure course right for me?

Is the FOUNDATION or INTERMEDIATE Adventure course right for me?

Is the FOUNDATION or INTERMEDIATE Adventure course right for me?

We get this question a lot so here's THREE simple questions to ask yourself in order to identify which course to start with:

  • Can I do a full lock U-turn?
  • Am I loosing balance and dabbing my feet?
  • Am I doing controlled skids and drifting out of turns?

What do we mean specifically?

Please see clarification below - (we are referring to off-road riding not bitumen)

  1. Full lock U-turn - Meaning, both feet up on the pegs, not touching the ground and using balance, throttle and clutch control to do a full lock U-turn. (We cover this in the Foundation course)
  1. Controlled skids in the gravel (We cover this in the Foundation course). On dirt roads we can find ourselves in slippery surfaces so knowing what the bike is going to do when the back wheel locks up is a foundation skill. Can you control the bike with a rear brake skid on PURPOSE & how uncomfortable does that make you? – Our Intermediate course involves hills where braking down-hill at times will definitely lock the back wheel if your foundations are NOT solid.
  1. Drifting out of turns - On the exit of turns when in gravel or corrugations even constant throttle will slip the back wheel & as per the foundation point above. We like to know how uncomfortable are you in this scenario? If you are uncomfortable then you need to attend our Foundations course first before attending the intermediate course.

Our Foundations course ROAD 2 DIRT covers all of these scenarios above in detail where the Intermediate course TRACKS 2 TRAILS is for riders who are less uncomfortable with the scenarios above AND have SOLID foundations in place and are ready to master them and others further.

We hope some of this information helped?

Always feel free to reach out or message us directly.